EAT Framework
To enhance assessment feedback practice, it is important to look at the interconnected nature of all three core dimensions of practice (i.e. assessment literacy, assessment feedback, and assessment design). It is, however, also possible to focus on any specific areas of assessment feedback that you have identified as relative weaknesses/priorities for development, acknowledging the fact that activity and development in one area will impact on other areas of EAT

In order for learners to be able to fully engage in their learning in higher education, they need to have a good understanding of the requirements of assessment.
Engaging students to lead on feedback should be a priority; this requires students to do the necessary preparatory work so that they can make the most of feedback opportunities
How students come to co-own their programmes with lecturers and see themselves as active contributors to the assessment feedback process rather than seeing assessment as something that is done to them
What Consitutes 'Good'
Key question
Do module / programme teams have a shared understanding of what constitutes ‘good’ and how you achieve this shared understanding?
Accessible Feedback
Keeping assessment focused with an emphasis on how to improve is important
Robust Procedures & Processes
Within modules and programmes an understanding of QA literacy is not the preserve of one person; it is the responsibility of the whole team in developing collaborative assessment designs.
How Assessment fits together
Key question
How is a shared understanding of how all aspects of assessment fit together achieved?
Student Entitlements
Module and programme leads need to agree and clarify with students from the outset what student engagement in assessment involves and what the protocols are.
Discipline-specific Requirements
The need to define what constitutes a ‘deep approach’ within the discipline is of paramount importance along with approaches to induct students into the discipline, and to clarify with students what the signature pedagogy of the discipline is.
Early Opportunities for Feedback
Formative feedback must directly link into the requirements of summative assessment as part of an aligned approach.
Students for Peer Feedback
Key question
How are you mobilising students to effectively contribute to the design and delivery of programmes as genuine partners?
Student Self-Evaluation Skills
Opportunities for students to assess their own work and that of others are important in enabling students to develop self-assessment capacity.
Meaningful & Focussed Assessment
Design and time management are crucial in the deployment of aligned 'real world' assessments and engaging students with them.
Access & Equal Opportunity
A totally unlimited choice available to students within assessment design may penalise those whose self-regulatory abilities are not as well developed. EAT emphasizes the importance of negotiated and managed choice with students working with lecturers to agree options.
Ongoing Evaluation
Feedback needs to be organic to feed into enhancements in learning and teaching. Students and lecturers need to work in partnership to inform teaching on an iterative basis